Weekly Notes 2024 W34

It has been difficult to write my weekly notes. I think this is mainly because I am missing writing my daily notes. I will work on that this week.

I have been consistently waking up around 5:30 am to 6:00 am every day, except on Sundays, for a month now.

I have been consistently hitting the Box too. We are in the strength training cycle, and I have been enjoying the workouts.
On days I don’t have workouts, I am running. I have been clocking around 20 km per week. I missed a week in the middle because of pain in my lower hip, but I am back now.

I ran 2 races in August. I completed a 5K Freedom run on the 15th of August in 38:33 and a fun 10K run organized by Sarjapur Decathlon on the 18th, which I finished in 1 hour 23 minutes.

I reviewed my earlier weekly notes and see my numbers improving, which makes me happy.

I have my first official timed 10K race scheduled for 1st September, happening in Mysore. I am looking forward to it.

I have signed up for a half marathon at Mangalore Marathon scheduled for November 10th, 2024. It is about 11 weeks away, and I am reading more about how to train for a half marathon. I have a rough plan that I am starting to follow.

This week, I started my training for the Mangalore half marathon. I did 3 runs this week, totaling about 21 km. I have an easy run, an interval or timed run, and a long run in the training plan. I plan these runs to work on running continuously, at a better pace, and getting in more mileage and distance.

On Tuesday, I did a 6 km easy run; on Thursday, a 5 km interval run, where I put more effort than usual into training myself to run faster for a shorter duration; and on Saturday, I did my long run, which was 10 km.

I am still following a run-walk method and am building up to running continuously. This week, I did an 8.5-minute run and 1.5-minute walk lap for my easy and long runs. Earlier this month, I was able to do my first continuous 5K but then had to take a week’s break because of pain in my lower hip. I am now slowly building back up again.

I have also been cooking most of my meals. Breakfast is usually eggs cooked in different ways, along with whey protein and milk, and dinner usually includes chicken, eggs, and some rice. For lunch, either I skip it or eat whatever was prepared in my office. I have been experimenting with different styles of making eggs for breakfast, and I have been loving it. I should probably add a section about it in my notes. But honestly, writing about any of these feels like, “meh—who cares,” so I am not sure.

On the work front, it is not much better than earlier, I guess. I have been surviving but am also very easily distracted. I want to get a grip on that this week.

I have been trying to reduce my workload on one of my oldest projects and have been getting into more architectural/design roles on that project while my colleague is leading the effort. I hope this reduces some stress and that I can handle burnout soon.

I am also working on a deep learning project for one of our clients. Honestly, I am out of my depth with these, but I have been surviving somehow. Deep learning feels like half magic, a quarter math, and another quarter part fakery. In the process, I also got access to one of the largest supercomputers in Europe. That was super cool.

I have been watching some episodes of The Sopranos whenever I can. I am in the sixth season. I also started reading Murakami’s What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. I am only a few pages in.

I hope I can make my next week’s notes a bit more entertaining than this dump, and in the process, my life.

Until next week,